SRG Software Update - July 2021



Below are new SRG Software projects and successes since our last newsletter:

  • Automating and enhancing medical coding and billing (AI/ML project launch)

  • Enhancing patient engagement in a chronic care management/remote patient monitoring context (AI/ML project launch)

  • Emergency stroke telehealth documentation and workflow management platform integrated with large hospital systems’ EMRs (production release)

  • Hospital burn unit qualification and verification platform (production release)

  • Comprehensive venous disease management and research platform targeted for release late 2021 (continued development)

  • SaaS enablement of an industry leading chronic care management and remote patient monitoring platform (continued development)

  • Advanced clinical decision support and AI/ML strategy for geriatric primary care and population health management (continued consulting)

  • Technical assessment of electron microscope software platforms and assistance with developing a cloud strategy (initiation)


As mentioned above, SRG is currently engaged in several AI/ML projects and we are planning to expand our depth and capabilities in this area. AI/ML has truly evolved within healthcare. Mobihealthnews outlines some of the top successful applications of AI in healthcare in this post: Contributed: Top 10 Use Cases for AI in Healthcare.

We invite you to join our LinkedIn Group, “Digital Intelligence in Healthcare” to connect with other professionals exploring healthcare and AI/ML (beyond the hype) and stay on top of the latest developments in this rapidly emerging field.

For more information about SRG Software’s activity related to AI/ML in healthcare, check out our recent blog posts related to patient self management and outcomes.



Co-op resourcing is a process of finding the right external people and then integrating them into a cohesive team. Under a traditional outsourced model, external teams remain siloed and disconnected from each other. However, in a co-op resource environment, teams work together as if they are a unit. They are external to your business, but act as if they are part of your business.

But there's more to it than just how teams work with your business to deliver your projects. Here are four advantages that co-op resourcing has over a traditional outsourced model:

  1. Cross integration of skills and organizations

  2. Better teams rather than just outsourced external resources

  3. Soft skills are better utilized within the team

  4. Faster turn around and strategic movement

Read more: Are Co-op Resources Better for Your Business?


VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Organizations are increasingly needing to adapt to the ever-changing landscape and context of our world - and technology is at the forefront of the rate of change.

We have learned that verbal communication, whether virtual or in person, is essential in the context of VUCA and software development. Tools like Slack and Jira are inadequate for communicating context, as well as nuanced and ever-changing software requirements. Our strong team cohesion and connection allows us to respond to each other and our clients with conversations in real time.

Also, for over a decade, SRG has been using Agile Methodology, a practice that promotes continuous iteration of development and testing throughout the software development life cycle of the project ~ enabling predictable and successful product releases for our customer partners, even amidst constant change.

This, combined with our co-op resourcing model, allows us to meet our customers’ evolving needs, with team ramp-up and ramp-down capacities and budgets.


The Rise of Ambient Computing in Healthcare


AI Solutions for Equality in Healthcare - The Symbiosis Between Human and Machine